Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Recording A Journey.......

As well as keeping this blog, I have been keeping a record of my home renovation journey in sketchbooks.
In them are notes and sketches outlining plans and ideas, then I record with photographs what I actually ended up doing with each project - they don't always end up as I initially planned, because things can change along the way.
I'm also keeping a record of what I spend, quotes given by contractors etc.
Now I'm into the fifth year, I have filled one book and I'm a good way into the second...….I wonder how many I'll end up filling before this project is finished?

With the change in seasons, here is the view as I'm enjoying it at the moment in all its autumn glory! If you can't afford a view of the ocean or the mountains, at least you can create your own small, private view that is every bit as wonderful!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Autumn Arrives at last!

We're had a mild, rainy autumn with not even a frost to date, which is unusual. As a result, autumn has come late to the garden with the trees only turning now just a week or two away from "official" winter.

But now the trees have turned and the leaves are falling - time to hunker down and get on with a few inside jobs!
On the list are a few things that I want to get completed this winter: Firstly, I want to make the roman blinds for the dining room. Secondly, one wall and the ceiling in the hallway need painting and the other wall needs new skirting boards. The inside of the loungeroom window needs stripping and painting and I'm sure there are other things that I will find to do!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Back Porch

I have a tiny porch outside the back door, which opens off the kitchen - it shelters the back door from the worst of the weather and that's about it! I decided to paint is as the last outside painting job before the colder, wetter weather of winter. The rest of it - the back windows and soffits can wait until spring.
The porch looks very much refreshed with a few minor repairs, holes filled and the paint job!

Here's an update on the frog pond...….with everything growing nicely. No evidence of new permanent residents yet, but I'm hearing them often at night.